Sophia has started doing some little chores. I was inspired by a friend whose kids have chores from toddlerhood right on up. So now Sophia helps load the dishwasher (I rearrange as needed when she isn't around.), empty the dishwasher, and set the table. She LOVES to help with the dishes. Last week I heard a chair scraping around in the kitchen, and when I walked in Sophia was dragging one of her little chairs over to the sink.
"Whatcha doing, Sophia?"
"I'm doing your dishes for you, Mama!"
I think having chores teaches kids great skills that they will use in the future. They get to contribute to the family, and of course will then know how to do those things when they eventually leave the nest.
So I think it is great that Sophia is starting to help with some little things. But I have to be honest . . . I am so looking forward to the day that my kids can do real chores.
And by real chores I mean cleaning the bathroom.
I am not trying to rush things, I just really hate cleaning the bathroom. I don't want to fastforward their childhood or anything, like that Adam Sandler movie (Wasn't it an Aesop's fable first?).
I have hated cleaning the bathroom for a long, long, long time. Probably since the second time I ever had to clean ours growing up. I'm sure the first time was a novelty, but since then it has lost its luster. My dad claims that when he was growing up he and his brothers used to race to clean the bathroom so they could see who could polish the faucets the best.
Pretty sure that is an outright lie. Or at best a wild exaggeration.
So I was thinking the other day (While cleaning my not-often-cleaned bathroom, of course.) that in another eight years or so I'll be able to pass off bathroom cleaning duties. Ten is a good age for that, right?
If I do the math that means I have about 120 deep cleans left. (You know, the ones where you REALLY clean, not just wipe a towel around to disguise the yucky sink.) One a month. That seems like a lot, but at least I only have one bathroom.
I plan to NEVER live in a house with more than 1 1/2 baths. If ever we look to buy or build a house with more than 1 1/2 bathrooms, kick me and remind me of this post. In fact, have you ever heard of anyone getting rid of an extra bathroom? Because I think we would have to do that if we moved to a house with too many. That's how much I hate cleaning bathrooms.
It's just gross. And awkward. How much of a contortionist do you have to be to reach the other side of the tub and scrub? I'm just not that flexible. So I reaaaaccccccchhhhhh, and strain, and almost fall in the tub, then try climbing in to scrub, and then get cleaning agent all over my clothes. And don't even get me started on cleaning the toilet. Grossness!
And I do drink water out of the bathroom tap, but have you ever stopped to think how gross that is? I mean, your hands bump that spigot when you wash your hands. And your kids hands definitely bump it . . . and if they have as occasionally nasty dirty hands as my little Snuggler does, then that's just gross. But do you clean your spigot? Because I don't. Who can remember all those little details?
Anyway, 120 cleanings from now, I will gladly give that chore over to Sophia. And I'm sure she will gripe and complain as much as I did when I was a kid, but I will enjoy having a nice long break from bathroom cleaning . . . until empty nest hits, but that's another 480 cleanings away once the kids take over. Yes, that math is good . . . as soon as I can delegate the bathroom it will become a weekly chore. Happy Saturday morning, 10 year old Sophia!