
Monday, April 19, 2010



That describes my run today. I didn't want to go at all, actually. I am tired. And when you are tired running doesn't sound fun. And when you are tired, it doesn't just sound not fun, it is in actuality not fun.

So Sophia and I headed out, her in the jogger to enjoy the ride, me watching the odometer like a hawk, hoping we were going further than I thought we were. No luck.

And then I realized I had forgotten about Patriot's Day, and the library (my incentive) was closed.


Time to head for home. Slogging along like I was running in mud. No runner's medium, just runner's rock bottom.

Got home, 1.84 miles. Should get in an even two, we run to my sister's house. 2 miles. Whew, I can stop.

We go in, say "hi" and "bye." Head home for real.


Stash jogger in basement. Then realize . . .

It may have sucked, but at least we got out there! And did two miles! And finally, this brings a smile to my face.

No more blah.

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