
Monday, January 3, 2011

We have a walker!

And no, the title of this post is not referring to a 4-legged metal device that enables old people to get around, but instead to a stubborn 17-month old who has finally decided that yes, she would like to walk!

For a few months now John and I have attempted to help Sophia get walking, and those attempts have been largely unsuccessful. Sophia does not want to practice walking unless it is her idea, and so our attempts were met with spaghetti legs. "Stand up, Sophia!" and "Let's walk! It's fun!" were met with knees that buckled and a toddler that straight up REFUSED to walk. Hmmm.

John and I decided that we were resigned to letting her walk when she wanted to (since we had no choice!), and have pretty much let her alone about it.

Christmas Day came, and lo and behold, Sophia decided that she wanted to impress everyone and toddle around Grammy and Grampy's living room! Lots of cheers, oooing and aahhing, she loved it. Of course, she stopped anytime the video camera came out.

Next few days afterward?

Spaghetti legs.

Fast-forward to tired Mama getting home from work New Year's Day morning, having worked an extra 2 hours, making it a 14.5 hour night shift, and Sophia wants to walk. Go figure.

For half an hour she walked back and forth between John and me, the furniture, into the dining room and back; she was unstoppable! Not only that, she let me catch it on video! So here you go, some of the Snuggler's first real steps . . .


Anonymous said...

Those pjs look familiar!

Beth said...

I LOVE it! LOVE it! I love the song you picked, I love the video - I love how she just up and decided she was ready, and off she went! It was like she knew it was all about her walking: she even turned herself around and was all set to walk right back to you!

Great job, Sophia!!

Laurel said...

Yes, super cozy pjs, Carrie, thanks for them!

Thanks, Beth . . . my favorite bit is how she has her tongue out the entire time she is walking in concentration . . . so cute! I'm a little biased . . .

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! That little girl takes after her mama in determining: what she will do and when...thank-you very much. (Can't wait to see how she handles the potty training process! Wink, wink.)


Unknown said...

So cute Laurel! Hooray! So so cute! Matt loves the music and I love John's tamborine. Hooray!

Joanna Spotts said...

And in a Calvin Klein sleeper no less! Interesting, Bradley is starting to roll, but not when get the camera out. Have they been conspiring?

Unknown said...

NO stopping her now!!! Go SOPHIA!

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