I have spent the last two days prepping and painting my new Craigslist armoire, three coats in all. I boiled the brass hardware to get all the paint off from the previous owners (add a little dishwasher detergent and simmer away for hours, it will come right off). Before painting I pinned color ideas, and while I didn't do any paint samples, I was 100% sure I wanted a nice bright pop of kelly green in the dining room, with brass accents and a semi-gloss finish.
Not even a little bit.
Turns out I HATE the pop of color.
All three coats of it.
And I realized that I hate it because the dining room is just too small for such a huge POP. And then debated even doing this blog post because it's such an epic failure. But really, you can learn more from one design failure than from 10 successes. At least I have! I realized that as fun as it is to have a bright accent color, putting it on such a significant sized piece of furniture in our space is a complete departure from my overall design plan for our house.
I know.
Everyone wants to see the horrible color that I chose. Though, can I blame it on Sophia? When I presented her with the options she chose "Once Upon a Time." What little girl wouldn't? But really, any of the three options would have had the same result.
John likes it. At least, he says he does. But his is hardly an objective point of view, as he is pretty much the most decor-supportive spouse ever.
I think I'm headed to Lowe's for some chalk paint this evening. Probably in the mint family. But maybe a blue. At any rate, something much less bold. After-AFTER pictures to follow!
Yay, for you having the guts to admit you were wrong so quickly and publicly! It's way better than grimly trying to con yourself into believing that you'll get used to it... eventually, especially when you won't. You aren't the first designer to get a paint choice wrong. I think Emily Henderson says she's wrong about 20 percent of the time... so you are in very good company!
Oh Laurel. It does stand out a bit. I like the blue color choice. Or a soft tangerine
Oh Laurel. It does stand out a bit. I like the blue color choice. Or a soft tangerine
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